Thursday, June 5, 2014

Quick Thoughts on Wearable Technology

In the past couple of years, wearable technology has been the new buzzword in the ICT world. After "cloud", which turned out to be much simpler than it first sounded, and "big data", which remains too complicated an idea for mere mortals even today, one wonders how "wearable technology" will fare. So far, we have not seen anything beyond fancy gadgets for the youthful rich, including smartwatches and activity trackers (mainly writstbands). At one point, smartglasses held a lot of promise, as they had the potential to literally change the way we see the world. But the most promising one of the lot, Google Glass, is yet to take off in a big way. Even though the official release is expected to happen later in 2014, the product has not caught the imagination of the general public. Also, there are many concerns around safety (accidents caused by distracted drivers), privacy (recording videos without permission) and etiquette (quietly checking mail or social media during conversations). In the long run, Google Glass or its descendants may overcome these difficulties and gain widespread acceptance. But as of today, in most parts of the world, wearable technology remains more a concept than a reality.

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